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St Edmundsbury C of E Primary Academy

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We have a positive approach towards behaviour at St Edmundsbury C of E Primary Academy.  We are fully aware that real learning cannot take place unless the children are ready.  They are shown how to apply the best behaviour for learning from their first day in school.

Our expectation is clear - we want our children to shine!  We want them to shine in the classroom by doing their best, build each other up to shine together and understand that shining means working together in all areas of the school, with all the members of our school family.


We have a clear Relationships and Behaviour Policy which outlines our expectations.  It shows how we link our relationships  and behaviour with the Zones of Regulation.  The Zones of Regulation teach our children, from day one, about their feelings, how to manage their feelings and how to 'make things right' if our feelings become dysregulated.


We appreciate so much how hard our children work to shine at all times.  Every day, children receive special notes to go home when someone has spotted them making the right choices.  These are displayed all day in class and show clearly what the children have done well to receive them.  

Each week, in Celebration Assembly, a pupil from each class is chosen to receive the Values Award.  This is given for when children have demonstrated one of our Christian values during the week.  Shiny Tickets are also given out to one person from each class.  These are given our for exceptionally 'shiny' behaviour during the week and are rewarded with time out of class, having a drink and a cookie with Miss Bramley.  Both awards are shared in our weekly newsletter.


Bullying is not tolerated at all at St Edmundsbury.  We work hard, using a variety of initiatives, to ensure that children are clear what bullying means and what to do if they think they are being bullied.  We are clear that bullying is 'Repeated, Intended, Negative Behaviour'.  We have anti-bullying ambassadors, who are trained in the ambassador programme by the Diana Award.  They create awareness around school of what bullying is and what to do if you think it is happening.  This includes online bullying.  If you feel your child is being bullied, please speak to their class teacher immediately.

st eds behaviour and relationships policy july 2023 2026 2.pdf


kids zones of regulation powerpoint.pdf