Safeguarding & Online Safety
At St Edmundsbury C of E Primary Academy, we take the safeguarding of all children and the wider community extremely seriously.
Safeguarding takes into account the safety and well being of all pupils. This may be on site at the school or beyond the school gates outside of the school.
If there are concerns about the safeguarding of children the school may inform our colleagues at Social Care. This will allow any concerns to be investigated if necessary.
Concerns about the safeguarding of children should be shared with one of the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) who are:
Mrs V Cooper (Deputy Head and DSL)
Miss K Bramley (Head of School and Assistant DSL)
Mrs T Pelling (Assistant DSL)
Mrs W Springett (Assistant DSL)
Mrs L Rouke (CEO/Exec Head and Assistant DSL)
The Safeguarding Governor - Mrs Frances Parr (including E-Safety and PREVENT)
If you have a concern about the safety of any child, please speak to one the DSLs above or contact Customer First on 0808 800 4005 or, if a child is in danger, ring 999.
Please see our Safeguarding Policy for information about how we approach Safeguarding at St Edmundsbury
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Useful Links
Online Safety
- This site explains how all of the social media and gaming apps that children might access work and gives them ratings for their privacy and safety. It also has information on age ratings for accessing these apps and sites.
The National Online Safety website contains lots of information videos for adults to help in supporting children with staying safe online.
County Lines
County Lines exploitation is when gangs and organised crime networks use vulnerable children, usually from urban areas, to courier drugs and money to suburban and rural locations.
Vulnerable children are targeted by gangs and groomed, threatened or tricked into trafficking drugs for them. The gangs use mobile phone lines to facilitate their activity and use a local property as a base; these often belong to a vulnerable adult and are obtained through force or coercion (known as cuckooing).
The County Lines process is now understood as a driving causal factor in youth violence and, in some cases, includes elements of child trafficking. An updated report by the National Crime Agency (NCA) has found that the use of ‘county lines’ by gangs, is a growing issue, and is exploiting ever-younger victims.
Protecting children from county lines
Guidance for parents and carers on safeguarding children
Advice to parents and carers on keeping children safe from abuse and harm
Keeping Children Safe - Extra Curricular Clubs Outside School
Coronavirus (COVID-19) support for parents and carers to keep children safe online