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St Edmundsbury C of E Primary Academy



Collective Worship 

Collective Worship


Collective worship is a highly valued and set apart time in the school day and week, where the whole school community can gather together in a time that is honoring and worthy to God.

Collective worship is clearly based on the traditions of the Christian Church. However, it is also a shared activity that allows for a variety of responses, providing an opportunity for those of any religious faith, or none, to focus and reflect on stimuli which allow the human spirit to respond with integrity. 

Our school is committed to respect the religious communities, or non-religious backgrounds, from which pupils and staff come. We want our times of worship to be an oasis, a place of spiritual refreshment for all.

St Edmundsbury Church of England Primary Academy's acts of worship aim to:

  • explore the Christian faith with children and staff, especially to celebrate the C of E’s educational vision: Dignity, Community, Hope and Wisdom
  • give an opportunity, for those who wish, to worship God, and, for those who do not, a clear opportunity to demonstrate respect for others
  • discover and celebrate key moments of the Christian calendar, and to enjoy and celebrate special moments of the lives of our school communities
  • help children to develop a sense of awe and wonder at the world around them, developing a spiritual dimension to their lives and personal relationships
  • strengthen and support the school community and celebrate the Christian belief that each unique individual member is made in the image of God
  • provide regular time and opportunity for reflection, enabling children to move from what is of immediate but passing concern to the broader and more lasting concerns of life
  • provide time and opportunity for thanksgiving and to enjoy the unity which derives from sharing friendship, acceptance, joys, hopes and fears, etc.
  • develop an awareness of and concern for the needs of others as well as personal needs
  • provide time to share with others the things they have been doing, their thoughts and ideas
  • help children to think about Christian values and how these might be shared and put into practice by all in school
  • give children experience of being active members of a caring community, who respond in a compassionate and civilised way to experiences of injustice, cruelty, exploitation, greed etc.