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St Edmundsbury C of E Primary Academy

Events and Trips

The opportunities for children to access visits, trips and a range of speakers is of tremendous importance to us.  We want our pupils to experience the wider world and become aware of all the opportunities they can take advantage of. 

Relationships with parents and carers are also a high priority and we love to invite families into school to join us and find out what we have been learning about.

Events and Trips



We run a series of events throughout the academic year.  These events largely take place within school.  We invite parents and carers to regular shared events too.

Over the last year, we have shared Reading and Phonics Cafes with parents and carers, Maths Cafes, Meet the Teacher events, Celebration of Work mornings as well as running Parent Forums and Parent and Carer Coffee Afternoons.  We also enjoy sharing seasonal performances, such as our end of year production and our KS2 Christmas Concert.

Various events have been held in school for children, including visits from the group 'Drama Geezers', special themed days, such as 'Well-Being Day' or 'Number Day' and other visits from the NSPCC, Suffolk Mind, dental groups and local clergy for 'Godly Play' in KS1.



We like to offer our children as many trips as we can, both walking visits in the local area and trips further afield.  We also make the most of shared events by taking trips to Elveden C of E Academy to join in with AIM High days for writing, reading and maths.