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St Edmundsbury C of E Primary Academy

Religious Education 

Religious Education (RE) Curriculum Intent

At St Edmundsbury Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School, Religious Education (RE) is taught throughout the school, based on the Suffolk Agreed Syllabus. As a Church of England school we follow the recommendation that greater emphasis is placed on Christianity. We also enrich our curriculum by celebrating Eucharist, Easter, Pentecost, Harvest and Christmas, which often includes services in our local churches -  such as All Saints Church or St Edmundsbury Cathedral.

In Reception, RE is taught as a discrete lesson and the children learn more about Christianity. In Key Stage 1 the children continue to study Christianity but are also introduced to Judaism and Islam. In Key Stage 2 lessons focus on Christianity, however pupils also develop their understanding of other beliefs including Judaism, Islam, Sikhism, Hinduism, Buddhism and Humanism. This gives the children an opportunity to ask questions and compare religions. Much of the learning undertaken is evidenced in RE scrapbooks. 

Religious Education Curriculum Implementation

At St Edmundsbury CEVA Primary School, our Religious Education curriculum follows the Emmanuel Project. The Emmanuel Project is based on clear theological concepts / exploring text or narrative, connects with faith community life, and looks at impact on an individual’s life. This scheme of work provides children with a wide range of inspiring opportunities following a three step learning process of Engage, Enquire and Evaluate. Throughout their time at St Edmundsbury CEVA Primary School our children will explore many religions and increase their awareness of Christianity. The children develop their understanding of religious education through lessons, visits to places of worships, guest speakers and workshops. The Emmanuel Project uses big questions as central to its approach. These questions are then explored in different ways and children are encouraged to ask their own questions throughout.  

Religious Education Curriculum Impact

Religious education is monitored through a variety of methods to ensure that the children are receiving a consistent progression throughout the school. This is achieved through book looks, learning walks, pupil voice and regular feedback in each lesson. Religious Education is considered an academic subject at St Edmundsbury and the children’s knowledge is assessed termly using the end of year expectations for the Suffolk syllabus and  through the solo taxonomy approach provided by the Emmanuel Unit. Progress is tracked and gaps in knowledge are identified to ensure children leave St Edmundsbury with secure and holistic understanding of religion.  


Religious Education Policy

Religious Education Curriculum Long Term Plan

Religious Education Progression of Skills, Knowledge and Understanding