Early Help
At St Edmundsbury C of E Primary Academy, we understand that family life can sometimes be difficult and complicated. From time to time, there are many situations where you need extra help and support.
To support and advise you at such times, we have an Early Help offer. Please see the information and links below for details of the range of ways in which we can assist or help you find the support that you need.
Early Help Intervention |
Summary of Intervention |
Classteacher |
The class teacher is the first point of contact for any issues. Parents/carers are encouraged to liaise with their child’s teacher so they are aware of any concerns that arise. Teachers are responsible for the well-being of all the children in their class and liaising with other staff within the school as required, ensuring that the appropriate support is in place as soon as a need is identified. If the teacher feels further intervention is required they will then be referred to the SENDCO. |
Meeting with SENDCo |
If either parent or teacher feels that support from an outside agency is required, parents are invited to discuss concerns with the SENDCO. During the meeting we can establish what is working well and what the concerns are. Advice and signposting to other agencies is offered at these meetings along with support with any referrals. |
Specialist Education Service |
Suffolk County Council support schools with consultations for advice when children present with SEMH, Communication and Interaction, Cognition and Learning and Physical and Sensory issues. |
Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) |
Some pupils may at times, need additional support with regards to their social, emotional and mental health. Therefore, specific support is given in school. |
School Nurse |
School Nursing Team support includes Chat Health - a confidential text service provided by the school nursing team during term time: Monday to Friday 9.00am-4.30pm for help about a range of issues. Text a school nurse on 07507 333 356. For further information and support available from the school nursing team please see the link below https://www.healthysuffolk.org.uk/advice-services/children/school-nursing |
Early Help Assessment (EHA also known as CAF) |
There are times when children and their families may need support from a wide range of local agencies. Where a child and family would benefit from support with more than one agency (e.g. education, health, housing, police) an Early Help Assessment will be offered to agree and coordinate that support. The Early Help Assessment is an evidence based, family friendly tool designed to support solution focused conversations between professionals and the family. Its purpose is to identify strengths and difficulties, engage and empower individuals to achieve positive change and prevent needs escalating. |
Attendance |
Attendance data is monitored by the Headteacher. The school’s appointed Educational Welfare Officer works closely with our school to support families and maintain good attendance. |
Suffolk Children & Young People’s Emotional Wellbeing Hub |
Suffolk Wellbeing is an online wellbeing service, run in partnership with the NHS; pupils can be referred here by parents/carers to access support or through a medical professional. |
Parent Support Workshops |
Parenting programmes run by Suffolk County Council and partner organisations in the voluntary and community sector are signposted to parents and carers in order for them to access the appropriate support The programmes bring experienced workers, parents and carers together to discuss issues, share concerns and gain practical advice and information |
Suffolk Family Carers |
Suffolk Young Carers offer monthly drop-ins with a Young Carers Lead, as well as a weekly ‘learn and play’ club. Who is a young carer? A Young carer is a young person, who is caring for or is emotionally affected by a family member who has a physical or mental illness, disability or misuses drugs or alcohol. |
Suffolk Young Carers |
Sibling carers are a young person who is affected by a brother or sister’s disability, illness or additional need. If you feel your child is a young carer and would benefit from support please see the link below. |
Other support available includes: Child in Divorce and Separation (CIDAS) - 07810 358930 Lighthouse Women’s Centre - 01473 745111 (24 hours) Lighthouse Community Centre - 01473 228270 Lighthouse Education - 01473 220770 SENDIAS - 01473 265210 for parents of pupils with special education needs 4YP Suffolk Young People’s Health Project - 01473 252607 Suffolk Parent Hub for information on parenting courses and support groups - www.suffolk.gov.uk/theparenthub or 0345 60 800 33 |