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St Edmundsbury C of E Primary Academy

Pupil Roles and Responsibilities

We like to encourage all pupils at St Edmundsbury to feel they have a voice.  Central to doing this is providing a selection of roles and responsibilities which the children can undertake.

Head Girl, Head Boy and Prefects

Our eldest children, in Year 6, can volunteer to be Head Girl, Head Boy or Prefects.  They have to prepare a speech to deliver during Collective Worship and then the whole school votes for their preferred representative.  Once in place, these children have a key role in welcoming visitors, leading church celebrations, judging school competitions and many other things besides.  

This year, Tilly is our Head Girl and Dima is our Head Boy.  They are supported by our prefects:  Bryce, Ruby, Isaac and Joshua.

School Council

Our school council meets fortnightly to discuss issues which have been raised by their classmates.  They have worked on fundraising projects, school grounds projects and currently are looking at ways in which to improve our lunchtime experience.

Our school council members are voted for by the classmates.  This year, we have...

Class Ambassadors

Each class has a pair of ambassadors who are in place to 'meet and greet' any visitors to their classroom.  They explain to visitors what is happening in class, what they are learning about and answer any questions.  They are chosen to demonstrate a polite, friendly welcome into the school.

Anti-Bullying Ambassadors

Working with the Diana Award, we have a trained group of ambassadors who raise awareness of what bullying is, what to do if you think you see it happening and how to build better relationships.  The amabassadors have created resources for school and present assemblies to promote their cause.