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St Edmundsbury C of E Primary Academy


Head of School's Welcome

'Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart......'

Colossians 3:23


 Welcome to St Edmundsbury C of E Primary Academy.  We are a friendly, welcoming         school with big ambitions, situated in the heart of Bury St Edmunds.

 We are very proud of our happy school community, its links to the local area and the   amazing building and grounds we look after.  Our curriculum is wide-ranging and   develops not only the children's skills and knowledge, but also gives them a window into   the wider world and the opportunities it holds.  St Edmundsbury C of E Primary seeks to   provide children with a range of experiences, through clubs, visitors and trips, hoping to   enthuse and inspire our pupils.

The school places a strong emphasis on providing a safe environment for the children, where their physical and mental well-being is nurtured and cared for.  We have great relationships with families and always have an open door.  Our staff are committed to providing not only a solid education to your children but also a secure and warm place in which to learn.

We always welcome visitors to our school.  If you would like to come and look around, guided by a member of the senior leadership team, please feel free to contact the school.  The office is also happy to answer any queries you may have.

We are now part of the Elveden Academy Trust, a supportive and forward looking Trust, who very much has the care and safety of all stakeholders at its heart.

St Edmundsbury C of E Primary Academy looks forward to meeting you and showing you all that we have to offer.  Enjoy browsing our website.

Kim Bramley

Head of School